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ʚɞ The tradition of Mărțișor, an ancestral symbol of an old scenario of time renewal on the threshold of spring, is traditionally linked, according to tradition, to the moment of the symbolic death and birth of a native feminine deity - Baba Dochia. Mărțișor is also the popular name for the month of March, the beginning month of the agrarian year.

ʚɞ In popular belief, Mărțișor symbolizes the rope of the year which gathers, by intertwining the two threads, the 365 calendar days. The colours white and red represent the two opposing seasons, winter and summer. In old traditional societies, only these two basic seasons are recognized, with spring and autumn considered transitional seasons. According to Bukovina beliefs, Mărțișor is the thread of the days of the year, spun by Baba Dochia while she climbed the mountain with her sheep, similar to the thread of a person's life spun at birth by the Fates. The white colour represents the cold of the ending winter, and the red represents the warmth of the upcoming summer naturally in the calendar.

ʚɞ Mărțișor was a symbol worn with great dignity and solemnity by members of traditional society, who avoided any uncivilized behaviour during the period when Mărțișor adorned their clothing.

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